- Three20 -- Custom UI classes used in the Facebook application
- CocoaHelpers -- Extensions to common classes
- MBProgressHUD -- Replacement for the undocumented UIProgressHUD
- cocos2d for iPhone -- 2d game engine
- TouchCustoms -- Memory management, ratings, progress bars, more (GitHub Offline)
- s7graphview -- Graphing
- core-plot -- More graphing
- HTFramework -- Reusable views
- EGOTableViewPullRefresh -- Pull to refresh like Twitter (Tweetie 2)
- PullToRefresh -- Another pull to refresh implementation
- MGSplitViewController -- UISplitViewController replacement for the iPad
- AQGridView -- A UITableView-style replacement that supports grids
- DDActionHeaderView -- Combine the core concept of UIToolbar and UINavigationBar
- DDAlertPrompt -- UIAlertView subclass providing UITextFields for user/password inputs
- ASIHTTPRequest -- an easy to use wrapper around the CFNetwork API
- ShareKit -- a quick way to integrate Twitter,Facebook, etc. into your app.
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